west orange cove cisd - Registrar

Job Details

Region: 5
School District/Employer: west orange cove cisd
District Category/Employer: ,
Position: ,
Assignment Level: Level
  • High School
Job Title: Registrar
School: High School
Campus Description: 9-12
Date Posted: 8/28/2023
Deadline: 2025-02-13
Openings: 1
Commitment: Full Time
Description/Notes: The role of the registrar is to assist the principal in the coordination of the process of
registration and perform routine secretarial and other duties as assigned. The registrar
helps facilitate the efficient operation of the high school counselors' offices.
Qualifications: High school diploma or equivalent

Proficient skills in typing, word processing, accounting and file maintenance
Effective organizational, communication, and interpersonal skills
Ability to operate computer and related equipment
Proficiency in office records, management and business writing
Thirty semester hours of college credit with some business orientation or
equivalent business school training preferred OR
General clerical/accounting experience preferred OR
Experience in an educational setting preferred
Salary Range: $12.28 Min. - $20.00 Max. Based on experience

226 Service Days
How To Apply: ON-LINE APPLICATIONS AVAILABLE @ www.woccisd.net.

Contact Person:

Name: latricia morris
Email: lamo@woccisd.net
Address: 902 W Park
City: Orange
State: tx
Zip: 77630
Phone: (409) 882-5610